Dr. Ronald Anglade Featured on The Weekly Check-Up
On Sunday, February 3rd, Dr. Ronald Anglade appeared on The Weekly Check-Up hosted by Bruce Feinberg on News/Talk WSB radio.
Dr. Anglade opened up the segment discussing how a couple’s difficulty in conceiving is not always a woman’s problem. Since Dr. Anglade’s specialties include men’s health, sexual dysfunction, urologic health, and male infertility, his expertise filled the conversation with expert advice. In addition, throughout the two-hour segment, Dr. Anglade discussed in detail the contribution that men’s health plays in conception and the issue of infertility.
Finally, Dr. Anglade answered questions regarding what percentage of couples have trouble conceiving, how often lifestyle issues are the culprit, which specialists to see, what treatments are most effective, and what is normal when it comes to the time spent trying to conceive.
If you missed the show, click here to listen to the recording.