Dr. Charles Kaplan Completes Georgia Urology’s 100th In-Office SpaceOAR™ Procedure to Protect Prostate Cancer Patients Against Radiation Complications
In March 2021, Dr. Charles Kaplan completed Georgia Urology’s 100th in-office SpaceOAR™ procedure. With SpaceOAR, patients can now have confidence in their treatment for prostate cancer.
SpaceOAR (OAR stands for “organ at risk” and in this case, refers to the rectum), by Boston Scientific, is an absorbable hydrogel that temporarily creates a space between the prostate and rectum. SpaceOAR™ protects the rectum muscles and prevents bowel dysfunction—relieving complications during prostate radiation therapy.
If you are interested in using SpaceOAR, please speak with a Georgia Urology physician for more information. For more information about the procedure, visit GaUrology.com or SpaceOAR.com.