Dr. Anglade holding diagram of male bladder and pointing to it

Why You Should Seek Treatment for an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder is a problem for many people today, but fortunately there are treatment solutions available. It is common for people to ignore the symptoms because they don’t actually realize that it is a significant medical problem. Learn more about what causes an overactive bladder how it can be treated below.

The Symptoms

People who suffer from overactive bladder often have a sudden need to urinate. This urge is very hard to control and may lead to urinary urge incontinence (leakage) at the most inopportune times. Another sign is frequent urination, which is usually considered to be eight times or more in a 24-hour period. Many people awaken two or more times during the night to urinate.

The Tests for Overactive Bladder

There are several types of tests to determine if you have this or not. For some people, the bladder doesn’t fully empty when they urinate. A doctor may perform an ultrasound of the bladder (a post-void residual volume test) or a catheter test to see how much urine is left in the bladder post-void. Another test involves a uroflowmeter, which requires the patient to urinate into a device that monitors the volume and speed of the flow. Another test is the cystometry test, which checks the pressure level in the bladder as the bladder is filled. In some cases, a simple urinalysis is performed before any other test to determine the conditions that may lead to this medical condition.

Treatment Options

Seeking treatment is essential because it significantly improves your quality of life. Your doctor may prescribe medication that helps control the symptoms of overactive bladder. Beyond medication, bladder training and pelvic floor exercises can also be extremely useful in relieving symptoms of overactive bladder. Certain lifestyle changes can also bring a great deal of relief. For example, patients can reduce the amount of liquid they drink just prior to bedtime as well as reduce the amount of caffeine they drink since caffeine is a diuretic substance.

If you feel like you have an overactive bladder, Georgia Urology can help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.