COVID-19: How Standing Still Has Kids Going Backwards

By Shannon Suarez, MSN, APRN, CPNP March 16, 2020, changed a lot for the children of Georgia. For my own three daughters, it was the last day my third-grader would hug her teacher goodbye, and the last day my sixth graders would cram a book into their lockers. But there they were, downright giddy at […]

Yes, Your Child Can Have a UTI! Learn How to Treat and Prevent

By Callie Duggan, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC What Is a UTI? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an overgrowth of bacteria in the urine. UTIs can occur at any age and most often just affects the bladder, but the kidneys can also be involved. They are most common in females because the urethra (the tube we […]

Breaking the Barriers on Bathroom Passes

By Shannon Suarez, MSN, APRN, CPNP The first question I always ask the children I see in our office is, “how often do you go to the bathroom at school?” Usually, they don’t even know! I often find myself walking them through an imaginary school day, pausing to say- did you use it after homeroom? […]

What is Meatal Stenosis?

By Kristin Wellman, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC As a nurse practitioner at Georgia Urology’s Help Awaiting Wet Kids (HAWK) Clinic, I spend my day seeing kids with voiding problems. A common concern with boys that come to our office is difficulty with urination or an abnormal urinary stream. There are several reasons this can happen, one […]

Here’s the Scoop on Poop

By Shannon Suarez, MSN, APRN, CPNP The first time you bring your child to see a urologist, you might be surprised to find we dive right into questions about your child’s bowel movements. Some examples are: How many? Is it hard? How often? Any difficulty? But many times our patients are there to discuss just […]

Georgia Urology is Proud to Offer Biofeedback for Our Pediatric Patients

Urinary incontinence can often be an embarrassing, debilitating medical condition. If you aren’t able to void yourself completely or if you are constantly feeling the urge to urinate, it’s disruptive to your quality of life. If you have a child experiencing these symptoms, it is even more important to seek a solution for treatments. “Children […]

What is Georgia Urology’s HAWK Clinic?

The HAWK (Help Awaiting Wet Kids) Clinic at Georgia Urology specializes in treating children with urinary incontinence issues and voiding dysfunction (abnormal urination). These issues can happen in 20-30% of kids and can happen for a variety of reasons including (and most often) voiding behaviors, anatomy, or abnormal function. Wetting and other symptoms of voiding […]

Georgia Urology Discusses Nocturnal Enuresis

By Kristin Wellman, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC As a nurse practitioner here at Georgia Urology, I commonly have kids come into the office complaining of bedwetting, also called nocturnal enuresis. Although this medical condition is not life-threatening it can be a socially, emotionally, and financially burdensome for families. My goal is to briefly review the definition, […]

Get the Bio on Biofeedback

By Shannon Suarez, MSN, APRN, CPNP What Is It? There are muscles we intentionally control, like raising our hand in class to answer a question, and muscles we aren’t necessarily aware of, like the ones we use to breathe. Biofeedback is form of physical therapy where we learn how to recognize those more involuntary muscle […]

Enlarged Prostate Patient Experiences Life-Changing Rezum Procedure with Georgia Urology

Imagine the need to urinate two to three times within a half hour. Getting up five times a night to go to the bathroom. Sudden impulses to urinate with only 10 seconds to spare, a weak flow, and incomplete emptying of the bladder. That was a day in the life for Ray, a 60-year-old, Atlanta-based […]