healthy senior woman smiling holding green juice

Celebrating Women’s Health: Breaking the Silence and Stigma Surrounding Pelvic, Bladder, and Vaginal Care

By Dr. Shaya Taghechian

May is Women’s Health Care Month, which reminds us of the importance of raising awareness regarding women’s health issues. At Georgia Urology, we understand the critical role women play in their families and communities. However, in their efforts to care for others, many women often neglect their own health needs.

As a urologist who specializes in women’s health, I know that issues related to bladder control, pain during intercourse, and aesthetic concerns can have a significant impact on women. My Georgia Urology colleagues and I are committed to providing the best possible care to help women overcome these challenges and improve their overall well-being.

Research shows that pelvic health issues, including bladder control issues, and pain during intercourse are prevalent among women of all ages. In fact, nearly 25% of women in the United States experience bladder control issues, and as many as 75% of women experience pain during intercourse at some point in their lives.

Pelvic health issues can be complex and vary from woman to woman. Symptoms may include frequent urination, urgency, and leakage. These conditions can limit sexual activity and reproduction, and affect one’s quality of life in various ways. For example, leakage can cause embarrassment and limit social activities.

Pain and discomfort during intercourse can be caused by a variety of factors, including vaginal dryness, infection, or anatomical issues. These issues can negatively impact a woman’s relationship with her partner.

With innovative treatments and personalized care, women can overcome their pelvic health issues and feel confident and comfortable in their bodies. As a urologist, I work closely with my patients to identify the underlying cause of their health issues and develop a personalized treatment plan. Some common issues that I treat include urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and sexual dysfunction.

At Georgia Urology, we offer treatments including medication, pelvic floor exercises, and neuromodulation therapy. In some cases, minimally invasive procedures, such as Botox injections and sling surgery, may be recommended to help reduce overactive bladder symptoms. Sexual dysfunction may be addressed with counseling, medication, or therapy.

Aesthetic concerns, such as labial asymmetry or excess tissue, can also be a source of discomfort for some women. While these issues do not necessarily impact physical function, they can cause emotional distress and affect a woman’s self-confidence. Georgia Urology offers labia plastic surgery, also known as labiaplasty, to help women achieve their desired aesthetic results. This procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and can help women feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies. I offer this procedure at at Georgia Urology’s Smyrna office.

Despite the prevalence of these issues, many women are hesitant to discuss them with their primary care physician or seek treatment from a specialist. This reluctance can be due to feelings of embarrassment, shame, or fear of judgment.

“Talking about my pelvic health issues was uncomfortable,” I recall a patient saying to me. However, she said opening up and discussing her issues resulted in the kind of relief she didn’t think was possible.

It is important for women to know that they are not alone and help is available. I want to reassure all women that these issues are common and nothing to be ashamed of. Our team at Georgia Urology provides a safe and comfortable environment where women can openly discuss their concerns and receive the care they need. By breaking the silence and stigma around women’s pelvic, bladder, and vaginal care, we can empower women to take control of their health and live their best lives.

As we celebrate women’s health in May, I encourage all women to prioritize their own health needs and discuss with their healthcare providers any pelvic health issues they may have. By doing so, women can not only improve their own health and well-being, but also continue to give freely to others by helping them survive and thrive. At Georgia Urology, we appreciate and celebrate the care that women give to their families and communities, and we are committed to providing the best possible care to support women in their health journeys. Schedule an appointment online with me today by visiting or visit Aayla, Dr. Taghechian’s Sexual Wellness Website!